Access a device on another subnet connected to your current network

Use a Raspberry Pi to change default IP Addresses on newly installed devices in a remote Control Panel We have many control systems out in the field connected to our office using IPSEC VPNs. Each control system needs its own subnet (usually a 192.168.x.x/24) to make this work. So, a problem arises if a new […]

Productivity Suite v3.5.3.3 breaks .adpro File Association

I recently upgraded my PLC Programming PCs running Win7 Pro from Automation Direct ( Productivity Suite v3.5.2.2 to v3.5.3.3. When I did so, my file association for .adpro files quit working forcing me to open the Productivity Suite software first and selecting the project file to open instead of just double-clicking the .adpro file in […]